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L to R: Sarah, Nell, Esther, Mary
OYB Bloggers, being silly
This blog is an adventure - in reading God's word, in listening to God's voice, in doing God's will. The idea started with Sarah, who wanted a "companion" of sorts for her yearly trek through The One Year Bible. "Why not write one?" she thought to herself. To make it even more fun, she invited her mom and two sisters to join her in the journey, knowing they had an equal love for God's word.

You are now reading the result. We hope you'll join us each day as we read through The One Year Bible and reflect on the beauty and power of Scripture.

A few logistical items -

Use whatever version of The One Year Bible you prefer. Some of us use the ESV, others use the NIV. We've also read the NLV. If you don't have a version of the OYB, we've added the passages in that day's reading to the top of each post. You can also find a listing of the entire year's passages here.

That being said, we don't necessarily make reference to each of the four sections (OT, NT, Psalms, Proverbs). When we do cite a specific passage or quote a verse, we do our best to provide the reference.

Each post is designed to be read after you've finished your daily reading, but if you find yourself in a season where it's hard to connect to God's word, feel free to read here first. We've certainly each done that ourselves and found it helpful for anticipating what God might want to say on any given day.

We're praying for you and we're glad you here, reading God's word so that it changes your life. "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:16-17). May God's word take root and bear fruit in you.


The Three65 OYB Bloggers
Nell, Sarah, Mary and Esther


  1. Love, love, love that you ladies are doing this. God has really been impressing on me that the most valuable use of our time is in His word. The only place we are guaranteed return on our efforts. I love that you are joining together as sister and mother to share your passion of His word. Sarah, I have always admired you and know that it comes from your time with Him.

  2. Thanks, Rachael. I couldn't agree more in terms of investment and return. Don't I want most to be more like Jesus at the end of 2017? More than I want to be more fit, more organized, more artsy? What better use of my time and energy than to soak myself again in Scripture? We're excited to see where this adventure goes, and we're glad you're along for the ride.
