4:1-5:21; Matthew 18:1-22; Psalm 22:19-31; Proverbs 5:15-21
Do you want to see God’s power? I do. Maybe you feel
like you see God’s power at work in our world today, but I think you are
probably in the minority. Most of us feel like we want to see so much more of
God’s mighty work and deeds in our lives and in the world around us.
In our Exodus 4 and 5 reading, we see Moses interacting with God
the day after the burning bush. Moses just saw the God of his fathers do some
pretty amazing and powerful stuff, and yet here he is again asking for more
signs and proofs of who God is and what he is going to do.
Sound familiar? I know it does for me. Just as Moses wants to make
sure the Israelites and the Egyptians really have proof of God’s existence and
abilities, I want the same things for today. Sometimes I don’t understand why
God doesn’t just act in miraculous and amazing ways so that people will believe
in him more. My prayers go something like this, “God, if you will just do
_______, then _________ will believe in you. They will see how powerful and
real you are. Why don’t you do it? It’s a good thing I’m asking for after all.
I just want you to move in power so there will be no more doubt.”
This is a good prayer, but just as Moses’ motives are mixed in
asking for God to do miraculous signs, so are my motives mixed. Yes, I do want
him to intervene and do mighty works for the sake of his name and the unbelief
of those around us, but I also want it for my own belief and my own comfort.
Moses needed the constant reassurance of God's presence in these early days of
his ministry. And God is so gracious and patient, truly patient, in giving that to him and the Israelites over and over again. God is patient with us
today too. He does not grow weary in our supplications to him.
Will you join me in asking God to move in some powerful ways this year?
I believe we are on the verge of some major shifts in America, within our
Christian churches, and in the very essence of what it means to be a follower
of Jesus. I believe God wants to use his Holy Spirit to move in power. I pray
for this in my own life. I pray for him to overcome our unbelief and
complacency. I want to see a mighty work, like that of Moses and the exodus, so
let’s start by asking God for some miraculous signs and wonders.
Lord, we want to be
like the little children, humble, yet doing great things for your kingdom
(Mt. 18:4). We, like Moses, are unqualified leaders. But use us, Lord. Use us
to do and see mighty deeds done in your name. Holy Spirit, come and move in
- Mary Matthias
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Thanks for this challenge, Mary!