1 Samuel 24:1-25:44; John 10:22-42; Psalm 116:1-19; Proverbs 15:20-21
Today’s Old Testament passage is about a resourceful woman.
I love resourceful women, especially as portrayed in the Bible. I strive to be
a resourceful woman and take an eager interest when the Bible depicts stories
of women who change history, however big or small, by divergent thinking. I
love how the Bible describes Abigail – “discerning and beautiful” (1 Sam. 25:3). Somehow, she is married to Nabal, who is “harsh and badly behaved.” When
David’s men come to Nabal and ask for some basic provisions, in return for the
protection they’ve been offering his shepherds during shearing season, Nabal
(who definitely knows who David is), responds by questioning David’s lineage
and insulting his men.
When David hears of this, his anger is kindled and he
gathers 400 of his fighting men, with plans to wipe out everyone connected with
Nabal’s house. Before he can get there, though, Abigail hears of her husband’s
ungrateful and foolish behavior and she concocts a plan to save the day. She
meets David before he can start waging war and presents him with gifts and begs
that there be no bloodshed. Soothed by her complimentary (1 Sam. 25:28-31) and
rational words, David’s hand is stayed and he goes away pacified. Later, when
Abigail tells Nabal that she took a lot of his provisions and saved the
household, he has some kind of stroke or heart attack and, ten days later, dies.
David then comes back and claims Abigail as his wife. A happy ending for
I have always loved how the Bible represents women. In the
New Testament, they are among Jesus' earliest and most faithful followers – they
are the first to believe in the resurrection – and they are listed as Jesus’
financial supporters. In Paul’s writings, Phoebe is listed a leader in the
Roman church, and Lydia is one of the first converts in Asia. In the Old
Testament, we’ve already seen many stories in which women are the heroes –
Rahab with the spies, Jael with her tent peg, Deborah in battle against King
Jabin. These women are strong and resourceful and God uses them to bring good
to those around them.
We can now add Abigail to the list. She knows her husband is
acting shamefully and so she takes matters into her own hands and uses her
discernment and quick thinking to protect those in her household and keep David
from sin. Her resourcefulness and good ideas bring good to those around her.
May we be like these women!
- Esther McCurry
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Yay and hooray! I should have invited you to teach my Talbot class!