1 Kings 20:1-21:29; Acts 12:24-13:15; Psalm 137:1-9; Proverbs 17:16
is weak-willed. He is, by and large, under the influence of his very
evil, very pagan wife (see 1 Ki. 21:25). But he yet understands the
purity and holiness of God. See how responsive he is to the words of the
prophets. He relies on their words (I Ki. 20:13-17), and smarts under
their rebukes (vs. 41-43; don't you just love the childishness of Ahab's
reaction: "sullen and angry"?). Though his repentance seems to
be only temporary (I Ki. 21:27) - he is, after all, the worst of Israel's kings
(see vs. 25-26) - it is genuine. God is not fooled by false humility, so
there must have been true contrition. What a merciful, forgiving, patient
however, never indicates any remorse or conscience. She goes from bad to
worse to deplorable. Her underhanded deception and murder of Naboth for
the sake of a piece of land is, truly, appalling.)
an interesting contrast in today's reading. I Kings 20 is a dramatic battle
scene, but it's almost entirely played between unnamed characters (Ben-Hadad is
probably a title-name, like Pharaoh, not an individual name). Ahab is
referred to almost exclusively as "the king of Israel" and the
prophets are never named. The real actor in the situation is Yahweh
himself (note that his personal name, written as LORD, is used repeatedly throughout the
chapter), strategizing and encouraging and defeating. The lack of human
names pushes us toward the Most High God.
then in our New Testament reading, we're on the opposite end of the spectrum:
inundated with specific names and places. We've got personal names for
John, Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, and Saul/Paul; actual physical locations like
Antioch, Seleucia, Cyprus, Salamis, Paphos; more people in Bar-Jesus and
Sergius Paulus; more locales in Perga, Jerusalem, and Pisidian Antioch.
These were real people, in real places, doing real things. I love
all the detail! The labor and travel and boldness and physicality of
these men and places reveal their passion to see the world won for Christ.
All this specificity also pushes us toward the Most High God.
were you pushed toward this same mighty God today?
- Sarah Marsh
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