Kings 1:1-2:25; Acts 13:42-14:7; Psalm 139:1-24; Proverbs 17:19-21
these bits of Scripture caught my attention:
2 Kings 1:13-14: The humility of the third captain as he approaches Elijah
through the smoldering remains of two men who caused the deaths of one hundred
2 Kings 1:16: These are almost exactly the same words as the message God sent
via Elijah via the messengers of the king (vs. 3-4). God's word and plan
are steady.
2 Kings 2:3 and 5: I hear Elisha's grief. He can hardly bear to
contemplate the loss of Elijah. So human, so poignant.
2 Kings 2:17 is such an interesting verse. Why should they persist?
It seems clear that the company of prophets did not see the chariot and
horses of fire, but they should still recognize that something miraculous has
happened. And why is Elisha "too ashamed to refuse"?
- 2 Kings 2:23-24: !!!??? What? Really? Mauling by bears for
juvenile taunting?
Acts 13:43: Paul and Barnabas "urged them to continue in the grace of
God." What a beautiful exhortation. To continue,
meaning they were already in the midst of it. The grace of God,
his mercy and love and provision and acceptance and blessing. Wow.
Such perseverance and courage on the part of Paul and Barnabas. Time and
again, we read of them speaking boldly (Acts 13:46, 14:3), withstanding
persecution (13:45, 50; 14:2, 5), and always preaching the good news (13:44;
14:1, 7).
Psalm 139 is an expression of awe and wonder from a creation to his Creator.
How much it says to us of God's love for us and how we can view ourselves
in the light of this love.
Our verses in Proverbs show the high cost of anger, lying, and folly: the ruin
of self, of relationships with others, and of a relationship with God.
Sobering words.
caught your attention?
- Sarah Marsh
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