Thursday, July 20, 2017

July 20

2 Chronicles 1:1-3:17; Romans 6:1-23; Psalm 16:1-11; Proverbs 19:20-21

Our church recently went through a book study on freedom.  In small groups, we took some time to examine our hearts about brokenness and hiddenness and self-deception.  In light of those conversations, how wonderful to read Paul's profound words today.

Three times, Paul reminds us that we are free from sin (Rom. 6:7, 18, 22).  Doesn't he know our humanity so well?  We need to hear this over and over again.  Sin is not our master, though it may feel that way at times.  We are slaves instead to God our Father - what a good and kind master he is!  We are free, ladies and gentlemen.  Free to be totally devoted to God.  Hallelujah!

God's goodness was apparent to me in our Old Testament reading, too.  Solomon is prompted to ask for a good blessing from the Lord.  (As an aside, I often feel that I, too, need "wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this [group of] people" [2 Chr. 1:10] known as my children!)  And God gives this good gift to Solomon and to the nation, and then some besides.  Even the surrounding nations recognize God's good hand upon the Israelites; "because the Lord loves his people, he has made you their king" (2:11), Hiram remarks.

The psalmist knows about God's goodness, too.  "Apart from you I have no good thing" (Ps. 16:2), he writes.

It's quiet in my house right now.  (This is a small miracle.)  We're all well physically.  (This, too, is a small miracle.)  Tragedy hasn't touched us; we're secure financially.  We read and laugh and drive in safety and look forward to vacations.  Our lives are good, and this goodness has come from the hands of our good God.  I know that not-good things are ahead of us (they always are), but this same good God of today will be there with us in those not-good tomorrows.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.  His love endures forever" (Ps. 107:1).  Amen!

- Sarah Marsh

How did God speak to you in Scripture today? Click here to share your reflections on God's word or read past posts. We'd love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. And I echo, thanks be to God for His great and generous goodness to each of us. Amen.
